You can get a teddy bear in different ways. You can buy them in the store or you can play for them at the fair. But you can also make your own cuddly toy. And there are several advantages to making a cuddly toy yourself. For example, you will have much more fun with a teddy bear that you make yourself. Not only will you enjoy it while making the bear, your homemade one will also be much cooler afterwards than one that you just get from a store. In addition, when making a teddy yourself, you can also decide for yourself what he or she will look like. But how do you actually start?
Make your own teddy bear with maakeenbeer
On the web shop from you can find a lot of stuffed animals that you can make yourself. They are also easy to make. You don’t need any materials for a maakeenbeer stuffed animal, except maybe a pair of scissors. Everything else is included in our packages.
A teddy bear from maakeenbeer is easy to make as it consists of only a few elements. For example, there is the skin which you have to fill with the wool and a heart to put in the belly of your cuddly toy for extra love. In addition, you can optionally order an outfit or accessories with your cuddly toy to fully personalize him or her. Finally, every cuddly toy from maakeenbeer gets a birth certificate to make it official that you are his or her new best friend.
Once you have all the elements on the table, you can start filling your teddy bear. Take a bit of wool each time, pull it apart and then put it in your teddy bear. A complete guide explaining from A to Z how to fill your teddy bear can be found here: How to make your teddy bear .

The simple concept of maakeenbeer makes this way of making a cuddly toy very accessible. Everyone, from young to old, can make a bear or other animal from maakeenbeer. You don’t need any prior knowledge or specific skills.
Crochet a teddy bear
In addition to making a stuffed animal with maakeenbeer, you can also get started from scratch. For example, you can also crochet a nice teddy bear. By crocheting a stuffed animal yourself, you can decide for yourself what shape and color your bear will have. But with that extra freedom comes a lot more work. In addition, you also need crochet hooks and yarn, you need to know how to crochet and you also need to know how to crochet to get your favorite animal.

If you search online, you can find instructions for crocheting certain animals. For example, here are instructions for making 1 bear from .
However, sometimes you have to search a bit to find good instructions to crochet your own cuddly toy. Not all instructions that can be found are equally clear. Often you also get no support with these patterns. All this makes crocheting your own cuddly toy a lot more difficult.
Sewing a cuddly toy
Also just sewing, if crocheting is not your thing, is an option to make a cuddly toy yourself. Sewing may be a bit more accessible for some people than crocheting, but here too you have to know what you are doing and what you have to do to get the desired result. Even easy patterns can sometimes be difficult to work out. And just like with crocheting, these are not that easy to find and you often get little or no support with them.

To get you started, here is 1 pattern that comes to help you get started on sewing your own cuddly toy.
If you want to make a cuddly toy yourself, there are several ways to get started. You can crochet, knit or sew a cuddly toy yourself. Or you can make a cuddly toy from maakeenbeer. Although there are several ways to make a cuddly toy yourself, maakeenbeer is the most accessible. You need the least material or skills for it. In addition, you can easily choose which of the many animals you want exactly. At maakeenbeer you also get the necessary support, you can always contact our contact page .