Snore! Snore! I’m Pugsley the pug, the craziest of the bunch! I hope to put a smile on your face every day!
Meet Pugsley
Puglsey the pug is a small and cute dog with a flat nose and a heart of gold. He is not always as active as Goldie the Labrador , but he makes up for it with his playful and sometimes hilarious, crazy behavior. Pugsley is very curious. He likes to stick his flat snout in and between everything and then sometimes gets stuck somewhere. This sometimes leads to funny situations where he walks around with a box or a vase over his head because he got stuck in it.
Playing outside all day is not for our pug, but that does not mean he does not like the fresh air. Pugsley likes to go on short to medium walks. On those walks he likes to race through the autumn leaves. Or he stops at a puddle of water and then spontaneously starts barking at his reflection.
When Pugsley comes home after an adventurous walk, he likes to snuggle up next to you on the couch. There he can enjoy your cuddles and strokes.
Make your own pug cuddly toy
With this item you can create your own pug cuddly toy. When you order Puglsey, you will receive a puppy with a stuffed head and a pack of wool to fill the rest of the body. The Maakeenbeer package also includes a heart that you can put in your homemade cuddly toy for extra love. And don’t forget: a birth certificate, so you can make this teddy bear completely yours.
Want to make your cuddly toy complete? Don’t forget to add a sound module to order! With this module you can make your pug bark or make another cute sound, which makes him even more lively.
Make your Pugsley even more special with a fun outfit ! With a cute outfit like a police uniform your cuddly toy will have a unique look and will become your favorite teddy bear. Add these extras and give your cuddly toy a personal touch!