Abrakadabra, meet Zippy the zebra!
Zippy is a very friendly and social zebra. In the wild, he lives with several other zebras in a large herd. Because zebras live together in large numbers, they can easily take care of each other. When one zebra smells danger, all the zebras in the herd are quickly informed. This makes it quite difficult for predators to hunt zebras. And they also smell danger quickly. The senses of Zippy and his fellow zebras are well developed. They see better than many other animals, they even see a little at night, and they also hear very well with their ears that they can turn in any direction. In contrast to their sight and hearing, the sense of taste and smell of these equines is less good.
The zebras’ stripes make sure they don’t stand out in their herd. A predator like a jaguar sees the group of zebras as one gigantic animal instead of a group of separate animals. Because predators see a herd of zebras as one large animal, they dare to attack a little less because they are afraid that the large animal is stronger than them.
Besides being friendly and social, Zippy can also be a bit clumsy. When he starts a race, he sometimes makes a bad start by falling. Or Zippy turns around a bit too enthusiastically and bumps into someone standing next to him. However, Zippy more than makes up for his clumsiness in friendliness and with hugs.
Can Zippy be your new friend? Fill him with wool, a heart and maybe even a sound. Although Zippy loves his stripes, he also likes to dress up. Carnival is his favorite party. He loves to dress up in the craziest way and see all the other people and animals dressed up. And of course Zippy also loves to meet new people during the carnival procession or a party afterwards.